Thursday, March 19, 2009

You're Ruining My Life

Anna Elise is in her room sobbing. It's pretty forced by this point. She is having a hard day.
She yelled at me "Mom, you are ruining my really are" as she stormed off to her room.
It's snack time and we are having left over whole wheat muffins from breakfast and she wants something different and I said no. I really thought these kinds of statements came a little later. What is she going to come up with when life gets harder and I get meaner?
Check out the couple of new Calvinisms on the side bar!
Madeline is talking more and more and I really want to do some "Maddie Lines" for her. We'll

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This sounds very familiar. Eden was banished to her room yesterday for about and hour and a half. She was pushing her luck all day. According to her life isn't fair and I am so mean. Lets hope that our sassy girls get it out of their systems now and are more mellow teenagers.