Thursday, May 14, 2009


Lilah is 7 months old today. She is growing up so fast! She can sit up all by herself
without any problems. She is pretty good at getting back on her stomach too. Mike has caught
her up on all fours a couple of times, but not for long. She still zooms all over the house in
her walker. The kids constantly complain of her running into them and over their toes.
She is eating her meals with us now and loves applesauce, veggies, and cereal. She can pick
up little puffs and freeze dried fruit with her hands and feed herself. She can't really use
her fingers yet, so it's a bit of a challenge for her, but she gets most of her food into her mouth.
I think she has finally adjusted to sleeping in her crib in Calvin's room. She has quit waking up in the middle of the night and early in the morning. Unless she has thrown it out of her crib, she can find her pacifier and get that back into her mouth on her own as well. Even though dealing with a pacifier isn't fun, I think it will be better then a thumb sucker - we'll see.


Jenny said...

Lilah is so cute! I also can't stop laughing at the Calvinisms! Thanks for making my day brighter!

Janet Mae said...

She is so cute. She is growing and changing so fast.