Thursday, May 14, 2009

Strawberry Jam

For the past 3 or 4 years we have gone strawberry picking. Last year I started using the strawberries to make jam. This year I was smart and checked prices. It's 35% cheaper to
buy my strawberries at the store! Why am I spending all my time and money picking
strawberries? Yes, it's usually fun, but this year was looking to be more difficult then usual
with Lilah being 7 months old - can you see me and my four kids in a strawberry patch picking
enough berries to make jam? Right... So I made jam with Walmart strawberries - I think it
tastes just as good as the expensive hand picked strawberry jam from last year! I've made
2 batches and I'm considering going back for more berries and doing one more batch!


BrittanyLane said...

Yum! I love fresh strawberry jam. The last time I made it It didn't set up, so we had strawberry "syrup". Looks good!

Jana said...

Strawberry jam is our favorite! Last year I made 45 jars and we ran out!

Janet Mae said...

I love strawberry jam!