Monday, February 13, 2012

Mt. Laundry

Today I did 11 loads of laundry.  I don't recommend washing that much clothes, bedding, coats, blankets, dress up clothes, stuffed animals, and towels in one day.  It's not very fun.  However, when your three oldest children have head lice, you don't really have a choice.  I also shampooed and combed three little heads in between all that laundry.  Hopefully we got all of them and Calvin and Anna Elise can go back to school tomorrow.

Here is part of Mt. Laundry after I'd run two loads.  That's me in the background combing Anna Elise's hair with my nit comb (Calvin took the picture for me).


BrittanyLane said...

I'm so, so sorry. We had those little nasty bugs right before Christmas. NOT fun. You are brave to do all the laundry at once. I tossed everything soft into the garage for a 3 week quarantine. Ugh. Good luck with the eradication.

Emily Marie said...

so sorry!! Let me know if you need help! We had that once at our house. Still freaks us out! Definitely quarantine stuffed animals in bags for a while!!

Sunshine said...

Oooo. So sorry about the Lice! I am also tackling laundry since I just got my dryer fixed after 2 weeks. Good luck on that!

Trina said...

That is not fun! I am sorry that you are dealing with head lice. I have dreaded that. I have been lucky so far. 11 loads of laundry in one day is impressive. I hope you were able to get rid of it! I wish I lived closer so I could help you.