Sunday, February 5, 2012

Yes or No?

Should I keep taking a picture a day?  I'm not sure.  I really enjoyed doing it and it wasn't that hard.  However, I feel like it's a lot.  It's just a lot of information about us out there.  Almost overkill.  I'm not sure why I feel like that, because I don't think Stephanie's is overkill or too much information.  So I wasn't sure if I'd keep doing it or not, but was leaning toward continuing for atleast another month.   Then this last week was just crazy and hard and I really didn't want to take pictures and it became a burden. So I didn't take very many in February (I think I took one).  So now I'm thinking that I won't keep doing it.  We'll see if I decide I want to take pictures this coming week.
OK - posts without pictures are boring - so here is a portrait of all the kids: 

Anne took the kids to JCPenny to get their pictures taken while we were in Cancun.  (Yeah, I know, AMAZING babysitter)


Trina said...

Very cute! I enjoyed reading your daily blogs but i am impressed that you can fit it in with everything else you have to do each day! You are amazing.

Michael and Stephanie said...

I love the picture and if you're up to it I think you should continue to take the pics. All I can say is it's amazing what I remember what Liam has done because I've taken the picture.

Betsy said...

I like it but I totally understand if you don't keep doing it. It seems like a lot of work.

Jana said...

I like what you do, but don't stress if it is too much. I could never keep up with it myself!