Friday, February 24, 2012

Playing in the Rain

On Friday it was suppose to be in the high 70's.  I promised the kids we'd go to the park after school.  After the kids got home, Celeste woke up, and we'd all had a snack we were getting ready to go when the wind gusted and knocked the power out and the rain started pouring.  Nobody was happy.  An hour later the power was back on, the wind had quit and the rain let up.  The kids begged and I gave in.  We drove to the park.  After about 10 minutes it started raining and then pouring.  The kids had fun playing in one of the pavillons until the rain let up enough to run for the car.  I'm not sure how, but everyone but Celeste and Anna Elise (and I) were dripping wet!  They had a good time.
 All the kids on the tire swing before it rained again.  No, Celeste did not get to swing, that was just so I could take the picture.  

 These last two pictures are really bad - sorry.  I hope you can see how wet everything and everyone is!

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