Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So Sad!

Celeste got her ears pierced today.  She is older then any of my other girls when they got theirs pierced.  She was so sad when she got the first one done.  I expected the second one to make her mad, but it didn't, she just got sadder.  It was the saddest cry you've ever heard.  She gave the lady such a wounded look.  So sad. But she looks so cute in her pink daisy rhinestone earrings!  I'm glad it's out of the way - it's not my favorite things to go do.  She cheered up before we'd left the store and doesn't seem bothered by them at all!


Trina said...

Almost like your babies getting shots. She looks really cute!

Michael and Stephanie said...

Yeah for a picture a day. Come on Sally I know you can go past January. You have so much material to work with. :)