Sunday, January 22, 2012

When the Parents are Away, the Children Will Play

Or "Ode to Anne".   While we were gone, my kids had a great time playing with Anne and Russell.  I've known Anne for 10 years now - we met at work. Anne is now working on her PhD and has a research stipend so she has a lot of control over her schedule.  Early last summer I was at work excitedly telling her about our possible trip to Cancun when she VOLUNTEERED to watch my 5 children for a week!  Anne is a special person.  She is loved by all who know her and she makes everyone feel like they are her best friend.  She has been preparing to watch my kids for months and asked more questions then I could come up with answers for.  It went so smoothly and the kids were so well taken care of and had so much fun that I don't think they even missed us!  Even Celeste liked her and Celeste doesn't like anybody (seriously, she cries when I leave her with anyone).
They made gumdrops, candy necklaces, cookies and books.  They went rock climbing, painted, had their pictures taken and played!  They and my house were in better shape when I came home then when I left!  Seriously amazing!   I can't thank her enough!  No - none of you can have her!
 These are books the kids made for me- one page for everyday we were gone.


Jessica said...

That is so awesome!! I think you should look into having her cloned.

Michael and Stephanie said...

Wow! That's awesome. I was wondering what you did with the kiddos.

Emily Marie said...

So great!! And she sounds like she will be a great mom too! Just like you! Sorry we didn't get to talk on Sunday! Glad you had a good trip and glad you are home safe! :)

Trina said...

What an amazing friend! I am glad that you could leave your children with such a great babysitter. That makes the trip even more enjoyable!

Betsy said...

Wow, she sounds amazing. I'm so glad you guys had fun, you guys deserve it.